Adding categories to calendar
Hey guys,
it would be great if you add categories to calendar (like outlook), with the possibility to set individual colors to each category.
Yes, you can use categories through outlook. But our customers would need this function integrated in the webmail interface.
Thanks a lot if you can make this happen.
Greetings Alex
At this point, there is a (maybe less visible) feature in the webmail: to choose custom colors for each of your calendars — you can do this if you go to the calendar section and click the icon of a calendar folder.
Regarding the categories / labels, we don’t have any plans to add this in the near future (next 6 months). I will however leave this request open - maybe we get more supporters :)
Ágoston DEIM commented
Yes and it would be good to control the access permissions as well. So red is private, blue is for work related meetings etc, all in one calendar. And if I share my calendar others would not see the content of the private meetings just the fact that I'm not available/free in that time. But if it's work related they would see that. I have a shared folder and it would be essential to give rights to some collegues but only in a free/not free matter.