Configure HTTP Response Headers
I would like to know if we can set security options in the HTTP Response Headers for Axigen WebMail ?
The security headers I would like to put in place are the following.
Strict-Transport-Security HTTP Strict Transport Security is an excellent feature to support on your site and strengthens your implementation of TLS by getting the User Agent to enforce the use of HTTPS. Recommended value "strict-transport-security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains".
X-Frame-Options X-Frame-Options tells the browser whether you want to allow your site to be framed or not. By preventing a browser from framing your site you can defend against attacks like clickjacking. Recommended value "x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN".
X-XSS-Protection X-XSS-Protection sets the configuration for the cross-site scripting filter built into most browsers. Recommended value "X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block".
X-Content-Type-Options X-Content-Type-Options stops a browser from trying to MIME-sniff the content type and forces it to stick with the declared content-type. The only valid value for this header is "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff".
I found nowhere to set those. Neither in axigen.cfg nor in the Axigen WebAdmin.
Thanks in advance.