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50 results found

  1. Authentication+Authorization of administrative users/groups against LDAP and/or via SAML/OIDC/OAuth

    Functionality to allow administrative users and groups to be controlled via LDAP or via SAML/OIDC/OAuth. It is a must-have feature for any MSP.

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  2. DLP feature in Axigen

    Axigen email server should support basic DLP features that will help for compliance purpose. Users sending emails to outside domain containing specific keywords, can be
    1. Sent outside but notified to admin,
    2. Blocked at gateway and notified to sender & admin
    3. Forwarded to Admin for approval and notified to sender..

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  3. DNSBL per domain

    Currently DNSBL is set on a server level by using:
    - Additional Antispam Methods -> DNSBL

    Then those DNSBLs are used for each and every domain one has configured on a server.

    I would like to propose the possibility to configure different DNS block lists for different domains. After all, not all domains need/want the same level of spam-DNS blocking.

    This feature would give MSPs and email hosting companies the possibility to fine tune the DNSBL spam response of the server for particular customer/domain in regards to their (customers) needs.

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  4. Huge improvement to SPAM protection (forged senders)

    Within WebAdmin / Security & Filtering / Acceptance & Routing / Advanced Settings....

    Please, please, please add a simple checkbox option to push incoming messages to the Spam folder whenever the incoming message has a "Return-Path" header string value that cannot be found within the "From" header string value.

    That feature would complete the SPAM protection described at the following link, which currently does not stop SPAM with forged From addresses.

    Why is this not a feature already?

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    3 comments  ·  WebAdmin  ·  Admin →
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  5. 2-Step Verification for webadmin


    Could you please add 2fa for the webadmin interface. I don't understand that it is enable for webmail but not webadmin as webadmin as the potential to bring the entire system down.

    I believe this feature should be mandatory .

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  6. Audit-Log Webadmin

    For Security-Reasons it should be possible to log every admin-action (especially delegated admins)

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  7. Web Admin SSL For Multi Domain

    Hi !
    We are mail hosting provider, we use axigen, i created many domain for customer. They need access web mail, web admin with their domain and ssl. Now, Web admin axigen support virtual host and ssl but web admin not support. Please consider add this feature in future.
    Thank you very much !

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  8. Wildcard SSL certificates


    We use autodiscovery and autoconfig for all domains we create.
    Could you please implement Wildcard SSL certificates in your implementation of lets encrypt?
    It would also be good to have multiple domain SSL

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  9. Use variables in message appender

    In order to personlize the appender it would be helpful to provide placeholder of known account information like firstname or lastname which I can use in my appender - Like:

    "Kind regards,
    <<Firstname>> <<Lastname>>"

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  10. Allow the Envelope From to be changed

    Please allow the Envelope From address to be changed in the GUI. Currently it can only be changed by modifying the smtpFilters.script file manually. For instance... set (mailFrom, "");

    Many companies use .local or other private domains internally and don't what that shown to the outside world. Allowing that to be changed in the GUI would make life a lot easier for many administrators.

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  11. WebAdmin - File System Access - mount object without scope (all domains at once)

    Please allow mounting object without scope (all domains at once) like via CLI.

    Something similar to command:

    FILESYSTEM mount <mountPoint>

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    2 comments  ·  WebAdmin  ·  Admin →
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  12. Webadmin, Configure group, sort order

    In webadmin - configure group, members should be shown in alfabetical order for easy mangement when there are many members in the group.

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  13. Manage message approval in Axigen

    Hello Community,

    I want manage message approve/eject mail recevied in Axigen. I check Axigen on WebAdmin but no see
    I think create rules approve/eject mail recevied. I tried create rules but faild
    Will be a nice to open this suggestion as feature request

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  14. Add visual ( procent ) usage for domain storage, object storage, message storage in webadmin like for "disposable meta data"

    Please add visual ( procent ) usage for domain storage, object storage, message storage in webadmin like for "disposable meta data" .
    Also add the possibility to move mesages from one message storage to other mesage storage when needed - example when source message storage is at 95% usage.

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  15. facility of Blocking messages going to specific domains containing attachments

    We want to ensure that emails going to specific domain should not have any attachments. Such messages should be blocked or sent without attachments. This will ensure the security to our customers. A rule should be provided to carry out this.

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  16. Filter the html link and attachment before opening if the link is malicious.

    Like other email server i think its time to level up especially in terms of security most of our user complaints about spoofed spams:

    For sure it will help a for axigen users :

    When sending email to our accounts once the link or attachment is malicious it will deep check and pop up as "this link may contains virus or malware this link/attachment contains ads" something like that so our user is prevent or aware from opening this kind of click bait spams.

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  17. Ability to see hardware information in Dashboard

    In many cases, I have clients in far cities.
    For more information, I need to know what type of hardware they are using and how much resources (such as RAM, CPU, HDD capacity..) they dedicated to the email server.

    It will be good if this information show in Webadmin

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  18. Ability to search by informarion in Contact Info

    It is a very common feature in most of the software that admin account can search among accounts with their information.

    It will be good that the admin account of Axigen also can search among users with the information that is available in Contact Info.

    For example, I want to know this Mobile phone "+989123456789" belongs to which account? or birthday of which accounts equals to 1985 sep 19?

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  19. Manual log editing

    I'd like the ability to manually edit the log files in WebAdmin. Just to put a flag in, like "==================== <- Here!" so that I can easily find the spot I left off in testing since there are so many other entries going in besides my testing efforts.

    Maybe also the ability to "Find" or "highlight" keywords in the log.


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  20. View a list of incoming rejected Mail

    View a list of incoming rejected Mail for checking which domain or mail are rejected and I will do one click for white list.

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