E-mail Categories
In the screenshots for the Ajax webmail client introduced in Axigen 7, it showed the ability to add categories to e-mails. However, in the released versions whilst "Categories" was an option in the context menu for e-mails, it was grayed out and disabled (presumably not implemented). In Axigen IX, the menu option has been removed.
it would be good if you could implement categories as originally planned, preferably these would sync with Outlook categories via the Outlook connector.

Categories / Labels are now available in Axigen X4: https://www.axigen.com/new-features/
Namocaw commented
What is the ETA for Ax v11 ?
M Dovey commented
Until recently, this appeared in the Axigen roadmap as "In Progress". However, it appears to have vanished. Is this good new (in that it has been implemented) or bad news (in that it has been abandoned)?
NNSIT commented
This should have been in Axigen 3 or 4. As our society gets more and more mobile using more and more devices, no-one wants to install an email client anymore. IMHO one of Axigen's claims to fame is it's impressive Webmail client. Axigen is slowly building something incredible that rivals OWA. These basic features go a long way towards keeping busy people organized. PLEASE increase the priority of this request!
Kristijan Takasmanov commented
Since I could not get any precise info from the support, I have decided to go with another solution although I liked everything else and would have go with axigen if I could get this feature. This was a deal-breaker for me.
Sorry axigen, missed one most possibly long term customer.
Hope somebody reads these :(
M Dovey commented
I agree that this is a significant mssing feature compared to competitors and the main reason we've considered migrating from Axigen.
These should be linked to categories in outlook (via the outlook connector) and also be visible in the webmail interface (in Axigen 7 there was a menu item for adding Categories but this was greyed out so you couldn't use it, and then removed in Axigen 8 and seem to be on the roadmap without a specified release)
M Dovey commented
These should also sync via IMAP as custom flags.
Kristijan Takasmanov commented
Namely, I'm very interested in using axigen as primary server for my company, and so far this is the only feature that is widely used by our departments and I find it missing....
Kristijan Takasmanov commented
It would be very useful to add support in IMAP for custom keywords i.e. support custom flags in PERMANENTFLAGS with "\*". This way many popular clients could store on the server flag/categories.
Is this feature planned in the future release of Axigen?
M Dovey commented
Also categories should be available via IMAP too (i.e. IMAP needs to support wildcard permanent flags - /* )