Disable IMAP folder visibility for non-mail class folders
Usually we do not want to expose Contacts or Calendar type folders to IMAP clients. We know that’s up to the client to ask only for folder class it’s interested in, by using the “CLASS” extension, but not all clients behave in this way.
For that reason other mail servers allow to restrict IMAP LIST output to only folders of class "mail".
Ii would be useful if Axigen would be able to restrict IMAP folders visibility basing on folder's IPM class.

AdminGabriel (PM, Axigen) commented
Yes, that should be all.
Andrew commented
Absolutely: clean setup of Axigen and new profile in Thunderbird... but it has been a quick one time try: I might have missed something. I’ll retry ASAP. However you can confirm that it is not necessary to set anything else server-side but that parameter?
AdminGabriel (PM, Axigen) commented
Andrew, have you tried to delete and re-create your account in Thunderbird?
We experienced that sometimes IMAP clients keep the folders previously subscribed, even if the folders returned by the server as a result of the LIST command change.
This is why deleting and re-creating your account in Thunderbird should solve it.
Andrew commented
I just gave a try to Axigen X2 (v10.2.1). In Thunderbird I still see all folders (Contacts, Calendar, etc.), even if the "imapShowAllFolders" is set to "no" under CLI > config server > config imap