Set Expiration Date
Having this feature to set a date for some clients needed.
For examples universities assign an account to their students, but they want to this account being expire after 4 years, automatically.
After expire date the account should being restricted or disabled.

Milind Bhatkar commented
Setting up expiry date feature will be helpful to restrict access of people leaving the organization. Now a days its one of the major requirement from Security & Compliance point of view
Anonymous commented
We need this option, too. It would be better, if Axigen took this attribute from LDAP (it has this feature).
meisam dastani commented
Hi,we need this option a lot in our university, too. hope it will add to axigen webmail.
Siamak Yasini commented
Hi,we need this option a lot in our university, too. hope it will add to axigen webmail.
reyhaneh naderi commented
hi everyone , we need this option a lot in our organization. hope it will add to axigen webmail.