Force SSL
I would like the ability to force my clients to use their webmail through SSL. I would advise this be done by redirecting http (80) to https (443). In the modern day, it seems we should be encouraging SSL where possible.
Likewise, this would be nice on the WebAdmin area. I want to force redirect from unsecure to secure.
When upgrading to Axigen X, all existing (manual) HTTP to HTTPS redirects will automatically transform to automatic (forced) redirects.
AdminGabriel (PM, Axigen) commented
Assuming you have two listeners on the WebMail service: one that's not SSL-enabled and one that's SSL-enabled, when editing the non SSL-enabled listener, you should see a redirect option at the bottom of the page, similar to the one in this image:
You can use that to configure your redirect.
Robin Koper commented
I'm using X1 but all HTTP traffic for the Webmail is not redirected to HTTPS. How do i turn this on?